A musical adaptation of a play by Hungarian playwright Miklos Laszlo, “She Loves Me” revolves around a young man and woman who are at odds with each other at work, but who are simultaneously falling in love as secret pen pals.
Missoula Community Theatre first produced “She Loves Me” in 1994 at the Front Street Theatre with a cast that included Michael McGill (now MCT’s executive director), as well as local actors Alicia Bullock-Muth, Shaun Nichols, and as sixteen-year-old Andy Meyers.
Meyers has performed and directed professionally in theatres across the country and was recently named the new artistic director of the Fort Peck Summer Theatre. And he is once again part of “She Loves Me,” but in a completely different role. “Last time I played Arpad, the delivery boy. That production had an incredible cast of Missoula theatre favorites, all of whom I looked up too,” Meyers said. “’She Loves Me’ has always been one of my favorite musicals, and it is such an incredible experience to be able to play Georg here in Missoula.” Meyers continued, “At the risk of sounding totally cliché, that show was the turning point in my life as an artist; it was during that production that I realized that theatre would be my career, not just my hobby. I feel very blessed to have grown up in Missoula, participating in MCT programs, so I can’t imagine a better place to perform my dream role.”
Directed by Joseph Martinez, “She Loves Me” performances will be December 2-11 at the MCT Center for the Performing Arts. Ticket prices range from $17 to $21, are available by phone at (406) 728-7529, online at www.mctinc.org, or in person at 200 North Adams Street, Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and on performance dates one hour prior to show time.
Media contact: Amy Farrington (406) 728-1911
About Missoula Community Theatre
An extension project of MCT, Inc., Missoula Community Theatre provides local community members of all ages the opportunity to participate in the performing arts. On average during each community theatre season, more than 650 roles are filled by local actors, singers, dancers, musicians, technical crew, and other volunteers.