“East Broadway Rocks” is an entertaining and informative romp celebrating 40 years of MCT Incorporated (parent company to both MCT Community Theatre and the Missoula Children’s Theatre), with samples from classic musical theatre productions as well as more contemporary show titles. With a nod to the popular television show “Glee,” this production also includes selections from many popular rock and roll recording artists.
To produce this commemorative show, MCT assembled a team of experts from within the community, including choreographer Heather Torma (Downtown Dance Collective), music instructor Troy Bashor (Frenchtown schools), choreographer Lisa Deer (On Center Performing Arts), actor Chris Torma, and long-time MCT staff members Michael McGill, Don Kukla, and T.J. Charlson to teach and rehearse this large cast.
All performances will be held at the MCT Center for the Performing Arts and are suitable for all ages. Tickets ($15 to $20) are available by phone at (406) 728-7529, online at www.mctinc.org, or in person at 200 North Adams Street, Monday through Friday from 9:00-5:00 and one hour prior to each performance.
Media Contact: Amy Farrington / (406) 728-1911