Based upon the popular children’s book by Harry Allard and James Marshall, “Miss Nelson is Missing” tells the story of an elementary school teacher who can’t control her crazy classroom because she is just too nice. When she disappears, her replacement is the hard-as-nails, detention-loving, recess-canceling, homework overloading substitute teacher Viola Swamp. The kids suddenly realize how much they want Miss Nelson back, and they’ll do anything to solve the mystery of her disappearance.
“We wanted to do something during Arts In Education Week this year,” commented Joseph Martinez, artistic director. “So many children are familiar with this book, and we thought it would be a great opportunity to bring the story to life on stage. We hope that by presenting this production that it not only increases children’s appreciation for reading, but also creates an appreciation for live theatre.”
“Many familiar faces from the MCT staff are participating in this production, including Don Mogstad and Eric Prim, who are responsible for local children’s programs,” Martinez continued. “The fact that so many children work with Don and Eric during the summer and the school year, I think it would be great if those kids got to see their teachers as actors.” Other staff members in the cast include Amy Ellis, Chelle Robinson, Don Collins, Dylan Wright, Kepler Correia, Kevin Harrington, Michelle Nigh-Mogstad, and Victoria Larson.
Tickets for Miss Nelson is Missing go on sale Tuesday, September 6. The MCT Center for the Performing Arts is ADA accessible and MCT accommodates accessibility needs upon request. For more information or to buy tickets, call (406) 728-7529 or visit
Media contact: Amy Farrington (406) 728-1911
About MCT, Inc.
Founded in 1970, MCT, Inc. is the parent company of the Missoula Children’s Theatre and MCT Community Theatre. Missoulians fill 1,500 roles within local MCT programs each year as actors, singers, dancers, musicians, technical crew, and other volunteers. The Missoula Children’s Theatre International Tour visits more than 1,200 communities in all 50 states, 4 Canadian provinces, and 15 countries on average, reaching approximately 650,000 people annually.