Will students be back in school this fall, will there be live theatre again soon and when can I have a decent haircut?
Montana entered Phase 2 on June 1st (read about Phase 2 on the Montana.gov CDC page) which allows us to conduct day camps in Missoula, beginning June 15, albeit with modifications, including live streaming the performances to family and friends watching from kitchens, apartments or those Navy ships. The children are taking the changes in stride, reminding us of their resilience. They have “an ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change.” (Merriam-Webster dictionary)
One parent wrote: “My oldest daughter did the Peter and Wendy day camp last week. She thoroughly enjoyed the experience. We thought the precautions (face masks, temperature checks and limiting the size of groups) went over quite nicely at least from our perspective.”
There are more changes in the works at MCT, so stay tuned. In the meantime, we encourage you to practice resilience by living mindfully (social distancing, washing those hands, staying home if sick, etc…), adjusting to change (wear a mask) and being patient with yourself and others. Many states, including Montana, are seeing a rise in positive Covid-19 cases, so we ask our larger community to work together now so we can gather together soon. (But please, don’t cut your own hair).