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PAC and PAC Prep Information Hub

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camp information

This year, our programs are called PAC Prep (Rising 6th, 7th, and 8th grade) and PAC (8th– 12th Grade and recent high school grads)!
Returning 8th grade campers will attend PAC and new 8th grade campers will attend PAC Prep. We are doing this to maximize our accommodations at the camp grounds and ensure as many people as possible can enjoy a PAC or PAC Prep experience.

PAC Prep Tuition: $728 (including fees)
Deposit (due May 16, 2025): $303

PAC Tuition: $1378 (including fees)
Deposit (due May 16, 2025): $553

All PAC communication will come from,
so please add this email to your contacts.

PAC Emergency Cell Phone: (406) 529-4743
(from July 27 – August 9 only)

If you or your student(s) want to go to PAC Prep or PAC, the first step is to read through the 2025 PAC Prep & PAC General Information document and to submit an application. Applications submitted after April 4th will be reviewed on a rolling basis and communicated with within two weeks of submission via email.

This document covers the “need-to-knows” before applying to PAC/PAC Prep. More detailed information will be available upon acceptance.
In the meantime, please email any questions to

The 2025 Application Deadline is April 4, 2025.

The 2025 Scholarship Application Deadline
is April 4, 2025.

These forms will become available once acceptance emails are sent.

April 4, 2025

Applications and Scholarship Applications Due

April 18, 2025

Acceptance Emails Sent

May 16, 2025

Deposit Due

June 1, 2025

Deposit non-refundable

June 23, 2025

Deadline for:
Lesson Form
Camper Form
Health History Form
Immunization Record
Insurance Cards

June 28, 2025

Tuition non-refundable

July 8, 2025

Merchandise orders are due

July 27, 2025


Frequently Asked Questions

When are the drop-off and pick-up times?

Drop-off time is between 3-5PM on July 27. Pick-up time is 10-11:30AM. For PAC Prep, campers are picked up at Camp Paxson on August 2. For PAC, campers who are staying in MCT-provided housing can be picked up at the Missoula Children’s Theatre on August 10.

How are cabins separated?

It is of the utmost importance to us that we create an environment in which ALL campers feel comfortable and safe at camp. Each camp is separated into 2 “pods” of cabins (a female pod and a male pod) with a bathhouse in each. You will select housing options on your PAC Application. To discuss housing needs, please contact

Where are campers allowed to go at camp?

Campers can be in all common spaces including the dining hall and rehearsal spaces. Campers are not permitted in staff housing or any pods/cabins other than their own.

Can my child be in a cabin with their friend?

You can send a request to that will be taken into consideration. A lot of factors go into cabin assignments, and we cannot guarantee all requests will be honored, but will do the best we can!

Will I be able to talk on the phone with my child?

PAC and PAC Prep Campers will be allowed their phone twice a day: during breakfast and dinner. Campers will check their phones out with camp staff and be able to use it during those times. If your child does not have a phone, that’s okay! This is our policy in order to create an immersive camp experience, as well as to stave off homesickness. We find it best that campers stay present and focused on why they are at camp in the first place. If you need to contact your camper, the PAC cell is 406-529-4743.

Can we visit our camper?

For security reasons, campers are not able to receive visitors at camp. This includes family members. If your child forgets something, please call/text the PAC cell at (406) 529-4743 and we can arrange a parking lot drop off.

What if my child is homesick?

Homesickness is healthy and curable! We think that going to summer camp is a great way to “practice” being homesick AND happy. Before the summer starts, talk to your child about what camp might be like and discuss possible strategies for when they miss home. Strategies might include making a new friend, bringing a favorite stuffed animal, or telling their counselor how they are feeling. If homesickness persists, we’ll call and let you know. We find it helpful if parents/guardians reinforce how brave their camper is for sticking it out instead of giving them the option of going home unless it is an emergency.

Can my child leave camp?

Campers must always remain on the campgrounds. Any departures from camp must be pre-arranged and approved by the Camp Director and the camper must be picked up by a parent/guardian or obtain written permission by a parent/guardian to leave with someone else. Going on walks, hikes, or leaving to run an errand is prohibited at camp. Any camper that needs something should speak with the Camp Director.

Can my child bring a car to camp?

If a child brings their own car to camp, they need to turn in their keys to the Camp Director at the start of camp. They are not allowed to transport other campers unless the Camp Director receives written permission to transport from parents/guardians of both parties (drivers and passengers).

What is Canteen?

Campers are permitted to visit the Canteen for snacks once each day. Stamps, envelopes, and small PAC merchandise items may also be sold. Special orders for forgotten items such as toothpaste, flashlights, etc., can be taken and filled in town by the next day.

What is “Flat on Bunk”?

“Flat on Bunk” or FOB time follows lunch and precedes Canteen. During this time, campers should be in their bunks and silent. Reading or writing is permitted, but the idea is to allow time for rest. By the third or fourth day, most campers will sleep during this time.

What is the weather like in Western Montana?

Days can be warm (85-95 degrees) and there are not any areas of camp with air conditioning. Nights can get colder (55-65 degrees). We encourage packing layers.

What is PAC Cabaret Night?

Cabaret Night is a night just for PAC Campers,  where we celebrate the seniors attending their final year of PAC. The night is full of fun, special programming, and a “nice” camp dinner. Campers are encouraged to dress up, but don’t have to. Attire is semi-formal.

What activities will campers participate in outside of rehearsals?

Each day, weather permitting, we will have waterfront. Canoes and paddle boats are available for check-out if there is a counselor with the campers. Each evening after dinner there is a structured outdoor activity. Activities in the past have included improv games, capture the flag, volleyball, etc. Campers do not have to participate in waterfront or these activities, but are encouraged to.

Following the evening rehearsal, a special program is scheduled. Past programs have included Campfire, Talent Show, Counselor Switch, Trivia Night, Name that Tune, etc. Campers are required to attend evening programming.

My child is going to PAC; do they stay at camp the entire time?

No! PAC campers perform their show at the Missoula Children’s Theatre. They are only at camp through the morning of Wednesday, August 6th and then are bussed to Missoula. When in Missoula, you have the option of providing housing for your camper (staying with family or friends in the area or arranging a hotel on your own) or staying at a homestay (arranged by MCT) for an additional housing fee. Meals and transport are included in this cost. You can indicate your housing needs (1-4 nights) on your Camper Form after your application has been accepted. MCT has a limited number of housing options. If you can provide housing for your camper, please do! And if you are local, please consider being a homestay for a camper or two. Please email if you are interested.

Can my child get a ride to or home from camp?

If you can get your child to/from camp, direct transportation is always easiest. Campers arriving on public transportation (bus or plane) can be provided transportation to/from the airport or bus station. If your child requires transportation, please indicate it on your Camper Form. If there are extenuating circumstances, please contact us as we may be able to get your child from Missoula to camp. However, space is limited and priority will be given to those flying in or taking a bus.

Can I purchase PAC Merchandise?

PAC Merchandise is not yet available, but it will be later in the year. Orders will be taken prior to camp and fulfilled at camp. Please plan to purchase ahead of time as we will not be selling any clothing items at camp this year. Note that sizes on some items are limited. We are planning on selling any remaining small merchandise items along with snacks at the Canteen each day (water bottles, stickers, pop sockets, and fanny packs). Once items are sold out, they will not be restocked. All merchandise pre-orders must be completed by 5PM MST on July 8, 2025. 

Why do you charge a food premium for campers with a special diet?

Due to the significant rise in food costs, MCT is instituting a food premium for campers requiring a vegan or gluten-free diet (cost to be determined). This is a one-time fee that can be paid via phone to MCT Patron Services weekdays from 12PM – 5PM at (406) 728-7529.

When is the deposit for camp Due?

If your deposit is not received by May 16, 2025, we will make every reasonable attempt to contact you prior to filling your position. If that deadline poses a problem for you, please email as soon as possible and we can set up a payment plan.

Can I cancel my camper’s registration?

Yes. Please inform us if plans change as soon as possible. Your deposit is non-refundable after June 1st, 2025.

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